Here at CICT we continually strive to reduce our carbon footprint, in the past two years we have started the following programs:
- With National Paper Recycling we recycle all craft & cardboard paper used to pack seaboard container as well as our printer paper
- Burlap sacks are returned to origin countires for various uses, sacks are also sent to oyster farmers in the Gulf of Mexico, novelity bag manufactors in Ohio, a concrete art sculpture in southern New Jersey and to local farmers to sack their crops.
- Moisture absorbant bags used in container packing are recycled organically with Peninsula Compost Group a subsidiary of Waste Management
- Wooden pallets used for stacking cargo are repaired in house with our pallet repair program which ensures that pallets and their wooden slats are used to their fullest potential
- Our web based inventory system allows us to send documents electronically to our satellite facilities cutting down on paper use as well as time spent on the road delivering documents