Bonds & Certification

aff3Cocoa Merchants Association of America

The Cocoa Merchants Association of America is the cocoa industry’s governing body and voice to the outside world. Through the CMAA, we are able to provide you with certified storage space that provides monthly inspections as well as a collective voice to protect you and your commodities interest.

aff2ICE Futures

ICE Futures is the soft commodities exchange governing body. Through ICE, we are able to store your soft commodities, on the exchange, in any of our 8 certified facilities.  Additionally CICT is the first Cocoa Warehouse to staff an ICE Futures Licensed Cocoa Grader

aff4Oregon Tilth

Oregon Tilth is a leader in the Organic Trade. Through Oregon Tilth, we are able to provide reliable organic storage for delivery to your domestic and foreign facilities.